Born in 1964.
Managing Director.
Managing Director
of OEM International AB
1 March 2000.
Managing Director and
CEO since:
1 January 2002.
Group employee since: 1985.
Other appointments: Chairman of the Board of
BE-Group AB.
Number of shares: 238 992 OEM Class B
Call options: 18 000
Born in 1984.
Finance Director.
Group employee since: 2022.
Number of shares: 1 526 OEM Class B (incl related parties)
Call options: 4 500
Born in 1977.
Business Director.
Group employee since: 1997.
Number of shares: 10 836 OEM-B.
Call options: 9 000
Born in 1968.
Managing Director of OEM Automatic AB.
Group employee since: 1990.
Number of shares: 71 751 OEM Class B (incl related parties)
Call options: 6 000
Born in 1962.
Business Director.
Group employee since: 1983.
Number of shares: 14 400 OEM Class B (incl related parties)
Call options: 7 000
Born in 1977.
Managing Director of Elektro Elco AB.
Group employee since: 2018.
Number of shares: 0
Call options: 12 000
Born in 1976.
Managin Director of OEM Finland Oy.
Group employee since: 2002.
Number of shares: 100
Call options: 9 000